kangaroo cuddleAMBA’s Patron, Associate Professor Mark Umstad, spoke about a study from the Robinson Research Institute at the University of Adelaide and said: “Finally, some good news on preventing preterm delivery in twins! The data on progesterone initially looked promising for twins, then twin experts became despondent over the years as several studies and reviews suggested little benefit, and possibly harm.  The study has shown that progesterone does reduce adverse perinatal outcome in twins but only if the cervix is identified as being short prior to 24 weeks' gestation."

Read more: Halving the risk of preterm birth for twins – a mother’s heartache

AMBA Magazine 

The AMBA Magazine is a highly respected, glossy publication and a much-loved read by parents of multiples across Australia. Its focus is on providing real-life insights into life with multiples, as well as highlighting a selection of the medical and lifestyle challenges that are a reality for multiple families. Distributed to AMBA members, AMBA Magazine carries a balanced mix of medical and lifestyle topics. A staple for parents of multiples, it keeps readers informed and up to date on the latest products, services and tips for raising multiples. Plus, it includes up-to-date medical and wellbeing information.

The Christmas 2012 issue of the AMBA Magazine is out, and it is full of really great stories! A broad range of topics are covered, from sleep-settling techniques to separation (or not) at school to teenage multiples - does it get any easier? - to the gift of giving. Our patron has a very interesting article on vaginal birth after caesarean section and our cover story is that of an AMBA same-sex couple and their gorgeous daughters. And of course convention 2012 is featured as well.  Sit down with your copy, have a cuppa, and enjoy.

To purchase a copy, email publicationsorders@amba.org.au